In a shocking incident in Aschaffenburg, southern Germany, a brutal knife attack claimed the lives of two individuals, including a toddler, and left three others injured. The victims were a 2-year-old boy of Moroccan origin and a 41-year-old German man. The injured included a 72-year-old German man, a 59-year-old German woman, and a 2-year-old Syrian girl.
The attack occurred in a park, and the suspect, a 28-year-old Afghan man, was apprehended shortly after. The motive remains unclear, but authorities are investigating with the public prosecutor's office. Bavaria's interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, stated that the suspect deliberately targeted a child in a day-care group. The deceased man was a passerby who intervened to protect the children, while the injured woman was a caregiver.
The suspect, known to police for violent crimes, had received psychiatric treatment previously. He sought asylum in Germany in November 2022 but had announced his voluntary departure last month. His asylum process was discontinued, and he was asked to leave the country. Despite this, he continues to receive psychiatric care.
This attack comes amid heightened security in Germany following a deadly incident at a Christmas market in Magdeburg last month, where a driver killed six people and injured nearly 300. The incident has intensified discussions on migration policy, a key issue for German voters ahead of the upcoming election.
Aschaffenburg is a city in Germany. It's known for its beautiful parks and historical buildings.
A knife attack is when someone uses a knife to hurt others. It's a very dangerous and violent act.
Afghan refers to someone from Afghanistan, a country in South Asia. The suspect in this incident is from Afghanistan.
Asylum is when someone asks for protection in another country because they are not safe in their own country. The suspect had asked for asylum in Germany.
Migration policy is the rules a country has about people coming to live there from other countries. It can be a topic of debate, especially during elections.
Magdeburg is another city in Germany. A recent deadly attack also happened there, which is why it's mentioned in the context of this incident.
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