In Quetta, Pakistan, a 15-year-old girl named Hira was tragically shot by her father and maternal uncle in what is being described as an honor killing. The incident occurred because Hira's father, Anwarul-Haq, was upset about her presence on the social media platform TikTok. Despite his demands for her to stop making videos, Hira refused, leading to a premeditated plan to end her life.
According to police reports, Anwarul-Haq had moved to America with his family years ago but returned to Pakistan with Hira on January 15, while his wife and two other daughters stayed in the US. The police have arrested both Anwarul-Haq and the uncle, Tayyab Ali, who have confessed to the crime. The case is now with the Serious Crime Investigation Wing for further investigation.
Meanwhile, in the United States, TikTok remains unavailable on Apple and Google app stores. Former President Donald Trump had agreed to approve the app on the condition that the US would own 50% of it, citing the need to save jobs and prevent business from going to China. Tesla CEO Elon Musk supported Trump's decision, arguing that banning TikTok would violate freedom of speech. However, Musk pointed out the imbalance, as TikTok operates in the US, but X is banned in China.
Musk has consistently opposed a TikTok ban, emphasizing the importance of freedom of speech and expression, which he believes are core American values.
Quetta is a city in Pakistan. It is the capital of the Balochistan province, which is one of the four provinces in Pakistan.
TikTok is a social media app where people can create and share short videos. It is very popular among young people for making fun and creative videos.
Social media presence means being active on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram, where people can share videos, photos, and messages with others.
Elon Musk is a famous businessman known for leading companies like Tesla, which makes electric cars, and SpaceX, which builds rockets. He often shares his opinions on technology and business.
Freedom of speech is the right to express one's opinions and ideas without fear of being stopped or punished. It is an important part of democracy.
X is a social media platform owned by Elon Musk. It is similar to Twitter, where people can post short messages and updates.
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