A young man named Ravi Teja from Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh, tragically died under suspicious circumstances while celebrating New Year's Eve in Goa with friends. The group of eight, including Ravi, visited a restaurant where a dispute over the bill led to a violent altercation.
According to Ravi's family, the argument escalated when the restaurant owner and staff allegedly attacked the group with sticks and rods. Ravi suffered a severe head injury, resulting in his death, while seven others sustained minor injuries.
Ravi's family is demanding justice, urging the Goa government to take swift action. They have also appealed to Andhra Pradesh's Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu and Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan to ensure justice is served. Ravi's body has been returned to Tadepalligudem, where his family performed the last rituals. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Goa is a small state in India known for its beautiful beaches and tourist attractions. It is a popular destination for people to celebrate holidays and events like New Year's Eve.
Ravi Teja was a young man from Tadepalligudem, a town in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. He went to Goa to celebrate New Year's Eve with his friends.
Tadepalligudem is a town in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is where Ravi Teja was from.
New Year's Eve is the evening before New Year's Day, which is celebrated on December 31st. People often celebrate with parties and gatherings to welcome the new year.
A restaurant bill is the amount of money you need to pay after eating at a restaurant. In this incident, a disagreement over the bill led to a fight.
An altercation is a noisy argument or fight. In this case, it was a violent fight that happened because of a disagreement over a restaurant bill.
A head injury is harm caused to the head, which can be very serious. In this incident, Ravi Teja suffered a severe head injury that led to his death.
Justice means making sure that people are treated fairly and that wrong actions are punished. Ravi Teja's family wants the people responsible for his death to be punished.
Local government officials are people who work for the government in a specific area, like a town or state. They help make decisions and take actions to solve problems in their area.
An investigation is when people try to find out what happened in a situation, especially if something bad occurred. The police or authorities look for clues and evidence to understand the incident better.
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