Naresh Kumar, a scientist from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), announced that an active western disturbance is present over the western Himalayan region. This will lead to light to moderate snowfall over the next 4-5 days, with heavy snowfall anticipated in Jammu and Kashmir on January 4 and 5. The nearby plains may also experience light to moderate rainfall.
Delhi is expected to receive light rainfall on January 6. Despite the rain, the cold wave will persist in the northern states, although temperatures might rise by two to three degrees in the coming days.
Rajasthan experienced a significant temperature drop, with dense fog in Jaipur reducing visibility. Temperatures recorded at 5:30 am were 10.2°C in Jaipur, 9.6°C in Jaisalmer, 6.8°C in Sriganganagar, 7°C in Udaipur, 9.2°C in Bikaner, and 7.8°C in Churu.
In Jammu and Kashmir, cold wave conditions continue, with temperatures dropping below zero in many areas. Dal Lake remains frozen. At 8:30 am, temperatures were -1.2°C in Srinagar, 0.8°C in Gulmarg, -3.8°C in Pahalgam, 3.6°C in Banihal, and -1°C in Kupwara.
Delhi recorded a minimum temperature of 9.6°C, with a thin fog layer. The air quality index (AQI) worsened from 'poor' to 'very poor.'
According to the IMD, a cold wave is defined when the minimum temperature is 10°C or less in plains and 0°C or less in hilly regions.
IMD stands for India Meteorological Department. It is the government agency in India responsible for weather forecasting and monitoring climate conditions.
The Western Himalayas are a part of the Himalayan mountain range located in the northern part of India. They include regions like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.
A western disturbance is a weather system that originates in the Mediterranean region and brings rain and snow to the northwestern parts of India, especially during winter.
Jammu and Kashmir is a region in the northern part of India known for its beautiful mountains and cold weather, especially in winter.
Sub-zero temperatures mean that the temperature is below zero degrees Celsius, which is very cold and can cause water to freeze.
A cold wave is a period of unusually cold weather. In India, it is defined by specific temperature criteria, which means the temperature drops significantly below normal for a few days.
Air quality refers to how clean or polluted the air is. Poor air quality means there are a lot of pollutants in the air, which can be harmful to health.
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