Sindhi Foundation Protests for Safe Return of Abducted Girl Priya Kumari in New York

Sindhi Foundation Protests for Safe Return of Abducted Girl Priya Kumari in New York

Sindhi Foundation Protests for Safe Return of Abducted Girl Priya Kumari in New York

Washington [US], August 25: The Sindhi Foundation has announced its sixth protest for the safe and unconditional return of Priya Kumari, a six-year-old Sindhi girl who was abducted in Pakistan on August 19, 2021. The protest will take place on August 30 in front of the Consulate General of Pakistan in New York City.

International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances

Sufi Laghari, Executive Director of the Sindhi Foundation, stated, “The International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances, August 30th, is important. We dedicate it to Priya Kumari, who was abducted in the Sindh province of Pakistan.”

Laghari added that enforced disappearances are a routine occurrence in Sindh, with the Pakistani authorities using various methods to instill fear among the Sindhi people. He emphasized that the Sindhi people will not let these tactics succeed.

Impact of the Protests

According to the Sindhi Foundation, the protests for Priya Kumari have three main impacts: maintaining the momentum of Sindh’s struggle within the Sindhi diaspora, keeping hope alive in Sindh, and raising awareness about the human rights situation in Pakistan’s Sindh province.

The Foundation has organized protests in front of the Pakistani consulates in Chicago and Houston, as well as the High Commissioner of Pakistan in London. In all three protests, Pakistani diplomats refused to accept their memorandums.

Lack of Trust in Pakistani Authorities

The Sindhi Foundation’s statement highlighted that people in Sindh do not trust the police, courts, or justice system, and the Sindhi diaspora does not trust Pakistani diplomats. As a result, the community feels compelled to bring their issues to international media.

In the Pakistani assembly, only two parliamentarians spoke about Priya Kumari’s case, while others remained silent. The Foundation plans to gather in New York on the International Day of Enforced Disappearances to highlight her case.

Criticism of Pakistani Leadership

The statement criticized Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader and President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, for selling the rights of Sindh to the Pakistani military. Zardari has allowed the construction of new canals, handed over forest land and the historic Karoonjhar mountains to the army, and marginalized the Sindhi language in education. He has also remained silent about state-sponsored crimes against Hindus in Sindh.

The Sindhi Foundation appealed to the world to raise their voices against the illegal occupation of Sindh by the Pakistani army and help Sindhis achieve freedom from what they describe as a terrorist state.

Doubts Revealed

Sindhi Foundation -: The Sindhi Foundation is an organization that works to protect the rights and culture of the Sindhi people, who are from the Sindh region in Pakistan.

Protest -: A protest is when people gather together to show that they are unhappy about something and want it to change.

Abducted -: Abducted means taken away by force. In this case, Priya Kumari was taken away without her family’s permission.

New York City -: New York City is a big city in the United States of America. It is known for its tall buildings and many people.

Enforced disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are secretly taken away by authorities or groups, and their families don’t know where they are.

Sindh -: Sindh is a region in Pakistan where many Sindhi people live. It has its own culture and language.

Pakistani authorities -: Pakistani authorities are the people in charge of the government and law in Pakistan.

International support -: International support means help from other countries around the world.

Human rights issues -: Human rights issues are problems that affect people’s basic rights and freedoms, like the right to be safe and treated fairly.

Illegal occupation -: Illegal occupation means taking control of a place without permission or right. In this case, it refers to the Pakistani army’s control over parts of Sindh.

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