In New Delhi, BJP leader and Minister of State for Defence, Sanjay Seth, responded to the Election Commission of India's (ECI) rejection of Congress's claims about irregularities in the Haryana assembly elections. Seth accused Congress of habitually doubting the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and the ECI whenever they face defeat. He stated, "It is Congress' character that when they lose, they doubt EVMs and ECI. They have no faith in ED, CBI, and the courts. They don't have faith in the public of Haryana as well."
The ECI dismissed Congress's allegations as "baseless, misplaced, and devoid of facts." In a letter to Congress, the ECI urged the party to refrain from making unfounded claims, warning that such allegations could lead to public unrest. The ECI highlighted five specific cases from the past year and advised Congress to exercise due diligence and avoid evidence-free criticism.
After a thorough re-verification of all 26 Assembly constituencies, the ECI confirmed that the Haryana electoral process was flawless. The ECI also addressed concerns about the EVM battery display, clarifying that it does not affect the vote-counting functionality.
The BJP secured its third consecutive government in Haryana, winning 48 out of 90 seats, while Congress won 37 seats. Nayab Singh Saini was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Haryana for the second time.
Sanjay Seth is a leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is a major political party in India.
Congress, also known as the Indian National Congress, is another major political party in India, often seen as a rival to the BJP.
EVM stands for Electronic Voting Machine, which is used in India to record votes during elections instead of using paper ballots.
The Election Commission of India is an independent authority responsible for overseeing and conducting elections in India to ensure they are free and fair.
Haryana is a state in northern India, and it holds its own assembly elections to choose leaders for the state government.
Nayab Singh Saini is a politician from the BJP who was re-elected as the Chief Minister of Haryana, meaning he is the head of the state government.
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