On January 25, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar attended the launch of Shiv Khera's new book, 'Live While You're Alive', in New Delhi. During the event, Jaishankar shared six key takeaways from the book, which include planning for the unplanned, investing in relationships, avoiding appeasement and toxicity, respecting time, and ensuring a good night's sleep. He also added his own insights on managing stress and achieving success.
Reflecting on his career, Jaishankar emphasized the "3 Cs of Success": Contact, Chemistry, and Credibility. He explained that knowing more people increases one's reach, getting along with others encourages cooperation, and being credible ensures that people take you seriously.
Author Shiv Khera highlighted stress as a "silent killer" affecting health and relationships. He stressed the importance of attitude in overcoming challenges and managing stress, which is a central theme of his book. Khera believes that while stress is a natural part of life, having the right tools can help manage it effectively.
S Jaishankar is India's External Affairs Minister, which means he is responsible for managing India's relationships with other countries.
Shiv Khera is an Indian author and motivational speaker known for his self-help books and talks that inspire people to achieve success.
A book launch is an event where a new book is introduced to the public, often with the author present to talk about it and sign copies.
New Delhi is the capital city of India, where many important government buildings and events are located.
The '3 Cs of Success' mentioned by S Jaishankar are Contact, Chemistry, and Credibility, which are important qualities for achieving success in life.
In this context, toxicity refers to negative or harmful attitudes and behaviors that can affect a person's well-being and success.
A 'silent killer' is something that causes harm or danger without being easily noticed, like stress, which can affect health without obvious signs.
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