Retirees in Kabul Protest for Unpaid Pensions, Urge Islamic Emirate for Help

Retirees in Kabul Protest for Unpaid Pensions, Urge Islamic Emirate for Help

Retirees in Kabul Protest for Unpaid Pensions

In Kabul, many retirees have started protesting because they haven’t received their pensions. They are asking the interim government to help them with their financial problems.

Voices of the Retirees

Ali Ahmad, one of the retirees, said, “We are living in poverty and misery. I’ve even seen some retirees having to beg for their survival.” Another retiree, Abdul Wasi, shared, “I’ve packed up my belongings because the landlord says I haven’t paid rent for three years, and despite this, no action has been taken. On top of that, I am responsible for three orphans.”

Zarifa, another retiree, made a heartfelt appeal: “We urge the Islamic Emirate to pay us our pensions, as we are dealing with serious issues. We have pressing rent obligations and sick individuals at home. Currently, our belongings are left outside in the open.”

Abdul Khaliq emphasized his integrity by stating, “I have never engaged in dishonesty or taken anything for myself. Even when someone suggested that I flee to America, I refused. Those who have betrayed their country have left, leaving those of us who stayed in a state of poverty.”

Government Response

So far, the Islamic Emirate has not issued a statement addressing these concerns. However, the administrative deputy to the Prime Minister mentioned that the leader of the Islamic Emirate has addressed the retirees’ concerns, and a resolution mechanism is being developed to resolve the issue.

Doubts Revealed

Retirees -: Retirees are people who have stopped working because they are old or have worked for many years. They usually get money called a pension to help them live after they stop working.

Kabul -: Kabul is the capital city of Afghanistan, a country in South Asia. It is a very important city where many people live and work.

Pensions -: Pensions are regular payments that people receive after they retire from their jobs. This money helps them pay for their needs when they are no longer working.

Islamic Emirate -: The Islamic Emirate refers to the government led by the Taliban in Afghanistan. They took control of the country in 2021 and are responsible for running the government.

Interim government -: An interim government is a temporary government set up to manage the country until a permanent government is established. It is not meant to last forever.

Economic hardships -: Economic hardships mean having a very difficult time with money. People facing economic hardships may struggle to buy food, pay rent, or afford other basic needs.

Eviction -: Eviction is when someone is forced to leave their home because they cannot pay rent or for other reasons. It means losing the place where they live.

Administrative deputy to the Prime Minister -: The administrative deputy to the Prime Minister is a high-ranking official who helps the Prime Minister with important tasks and decisions. They help manage the government.

Resolution mechanism -: A resolution mechanism is a plan or method to solve a problem. In this case, it means finding a way to make sure retirees get their pensions.

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