New Delhi [India], September 27: Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw announced on Friday that additional coaches and special trains will be available for Chhath Puja and Diwali to make travel easier for passengers. Vaishnaw stated, "This festive season, General Coach increased in 108 trains. 12,500 coaches sanctioned for Chhath puja and Diwali special trains. In 2024-25, a total of 5,975 trains have been notified till today. This will facilitate more than 1 crore passengers to go home during the Puja rush. In 2023-24 a total of 4,429 special trains ran during the festive season."
Earlier on September 24, Vaishnaw inspected the Kavach 4.0 in Rajasthan and announced that Kavach 4.0 has started for the first time in India from Sawai Madhopur. He added that in the coming years, 10 thousand locomotives will be covered by Kavach. "Kavach 4.0 has started for the first time in India from Sawai Madhopur... The work of installing armour in this area has been completed, this is just the beginning, in the coming years, 10 thousand locomotives will be covered with armour and 9 thousand kilometres of additional armour work will be done," Vaishnaw told reporters.
Kavach is an indigenously developed Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system. It is a highly technology-intensive system, which requires safety certification of the highest order. Kavach aids the loco pilot in trains running within specified speed limits by automatic application of brakes in case the loco pilot fails to do so and it also helps the train safely run during inclement weather.
On September 20, Vaishnaw inaugurated the Bharat Gaurav Train for Bharat-Nepal Yatra at the Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station in Delhi. He said that tourists will be able to experience the rich cultural heritage shared by India and Nepal.
The Railway Minister is a person in the government who is in charge of all the trains and railways in the country.
Ashwini Vaishnaw is the name of the current Railway Minister of India.
Chhath Puja is a festival celebrated mainly in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh where people worship the Sun God.
Diwali is a big festival in India, also known as the Festival of Lights, where people light lamps, burst crackers, and celebrate with family.
Coaches are the compartments or cars of a train where passengers sit or sleep during their journey.
1 crore is a way to say 10 million in India. So, 1 crore passengers means 10 million people.
Kavach 4.0 is a new safety system for trains that helps prevent accidents by automatically controlling the train's speed and stopping it if needed.
Rajasthan is a state in India known for its deserts, palaces, and rich history.
The Bharat Gaurav Train is a special train service that showcases India's cultural heritage and takes passengers on special journeys.
Bharat-Nepal Yatra is a special trip or journey between India (Bharat) and Nepal to promote cultural ties and heritage.
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