Rabi Lamichhane, Nepal's former Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, appeared in the Kathmandu District Court for an investigation into the Swarnalakshmi Cooperative fraud case. Released on bail after 84 days in custody, Lamichhane is accused of misappropriating funds from several cooperatives, including Swarnalakshmi and Suryadarshan. The case involves 39 individuals, including former officials of Gorkha Media Pvt Ltd. Allegations include organized financial crimes and cooperative fraud, with funds allegedly diverted to Gorkha Media, linked to the defunct Galaxy 4K Television. A parliamentary committee report indicted Lamichhane, recommending legal action against those involved. Lamichhane denies the charges, claiming ignorance of the fund origins.
Lamichhane, founder of the Rastriya Swatantra Party, was arrested in October 2024. The investigation revealed funds were mismanaged and diverted, leading to charges against 39 people. The parliamentary committee's report, endorsed by the House, highlighted the embezzlement of millions of rupees from cooperatives to Gorkha Media. Lamichhane, as managing director, was implicated in the misuse of cooperative savings.
The Kathmandu District Government Attorney's Office registered the case against Lamichhane and others. The report urged the government to take action, with House Speaker Devraj Ghimire directing its implementation. Lamichhane, who entered politics in 2022, continues to deny involvement, despite evidence of joint bank accounts and cheque issuances with GB Rai.
Rabi Lamichhane is a politician from Nepal who was once the Deputy Prime Minister. He is now facing legal issues related to financial fraud.
The Deputy Prime Minister is a high-ranking official in the government, just below the Prime Minister. They help in running the country and making important decisions.
A cooperative is a group of people who come together to work for a common goal, like saving money or running a business. In this case, it involves financial activities.
Fraud means cheating or lying to get something, usually money, unfairly. It is illegal and can lead to serious consequences.
Swarnalakshmi Cooperative is one of the financial groups involved in the fraud case. It is a place where people save and manage money together.
Bail is money given to the court to allow a person to stay out of jail while waiting for their trial. It is like a promise that they will come back for their court date.
A parliamentary report is a document created by members of the government to share findings and recommendations about a specific issue, like this fraud case.
Indicted means officially charged with a crime. It is a formal accusation that someone has done something illegal.
Misappropriating funds means using money in the wrong way, especially money that belongs to others. It is a form of stealing.
Organized financial crimes are planned illegal activities involving money, often done by groups of people working together.
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