In the town of Harrow, London, a group of pro-Khalistan extremists attempted to halt the screening of the film Emergency, starring Kangana Ranaut. This incident was reported by Insight UK, a social movement of British Hindus and Indians. The extremists were seen shouting pro-Khalistani slogans during the film, which focuses on India's 1975 emergency period.
In 2023, the Indian High Commission in London was attacked by Khalistani supporters. These actions were reportedly in response to the Punjab police's crackdown on Amritpal Singh, leader of Waris Punjab De, as per the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
The film Emergency, released on January 17, 2025, is directed by Kangana Ranaut, who also plays the role of Indira Gandhi. It delves into the political and societal impacts of the emergency period declared by Indira Gandhi from 1975 to 1977. The film features actors Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, and the late Satish Kaushik.
Pro-Khalistan refers to people who support the idea of creating a separate country called Khalistan for Sikhs, which is a religious group in India. Some of these supporters are very passionate and sometimes cause disruptions to express their views.
Extremists are people who have very strong beliefs and may use extreme actions to express their views. In this context, they disrupted a movie screening to show their support for Khalistan.
Kangana Ranaut is a famous Indian actress and filmmaker known for her roles in Bollywood movies. She directed and acted in the film 'Emergency'.
The 'Emergency' was a period in India from 1975 to 1977 when the government had special powers and many people's rights were restricted. The film 'Emergency' is about this time in India's history.
Harrow is a place in London, which is the capital city of the United Kingdom. The movie screening took place there.
Insight UK is an organization that reports on news and events related to the Indian community in the United Kingdom.
The Indian High Commission is like an embassy, which is an office that represents the Indian government in another country. In this case, it's in London, UK.
Amritpal Singh is a leader associated with the group Waris Punjab De, which is involved in promoting Sikh rights and issues. He has been linked to pro-Khalistan activities.
Waris Punjab De is a group that focuses on the rights and issues of the Sikh community in Punjab, India. It has been associated with the Khalistan movement.
Anupam Kher is a well-known Indian actor who has appeared in many Bollywood films. He is part of the cast in the movie 'Emergency'.
Shreyas Talpade is an Indian actor who works in Bollywood films. He also stars in the movie 'Emergency'.
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