In Patna, Bihar, Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishor has initiated an indefinite hunger strike at Gandhi Maidan. He is demanding the cancellation of the Bihar Public Civil Services (BPSC) examination due to an alleged paper leak. Kishor argues that protesting at Gandhi Maidan is lawful, despite the Patna district administration's request to move the protest to Gardanibagh.
Patna Sub-Divisional Magistrate Gaurav Kumar warned of action if protesters do not vacate Gandhi Maidan, citing a 2015 Patna High Court judgment designating Gardanibagh as the official protest site. Kishor criticized Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for not addressing the students' concerns, stating that the government is egoistic.
The protestors, including BPSC aspirants, demand the cancellation of the Integrated Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination (CCE) 2024, conducted on December 13. Earlier, leaders from Congress and CPI-ML attempted to meet the Governor regarding the issue but were stopped by the police.
Prashant Kishor is a well-known political strategist in India. He has worked with various political parties to help them win elections. He is also the leader of a political movement called Jan Suraaj.
A hunger strike is when someone refuses to eat to protest against something. It is a way to show how serious they are about their demands.
Gandhi Maidan is a large public ground in Patna, the capital city of Bihar. It is often used for public gatherings and protests.
BPSC stands for Bihar Public Service Commission. It conducts exams to recruit people for various government jobs in Bihar.
A paper leak happens when exam questions are shared with some people before the exam. This is unfair because it gives some people an advantage over others.
The Patna administration refers to the local government officials responsible for managing the city of Patna. They ensure law and order and manage public spaces.
Gardanibagh is another area in Patna where protests and gatherings are often held. The administration suggested moving the protest there.
A Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) is a government official in charge of a specific area within a district. They have the authority to enforce laws and maintain order.
Nitish Kumar is the Chief Minister of Bihar. He is responsible for the administration and governance of the state.
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