A Polish woman named Anna Monika Wajsk has approached the Islamabad High Court (IHC) to gain custody of her daughter from her Pakistani husband, Adeel Khan. According to Anna, Adeel took their daughter to Pakistan without her consent in 2022. The court has instructed the formation of a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) to locate Adeel and the child, involving the Sindh IG police and the home department. The court also ordered that Adeel and his daughter be placed on the Exit Control List (ECL) to prevent them from leaving the country. The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) reported that Adeel last arrived in Karachi on December 18, indicating he is still in Pakistan. The hearing is set to continue on January 21.
In a related case, the Islamabad High Court previously granted custody of two children to their Polish mothers. Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani ruled in favor of the mothers, who were married to a Pakistani man named Saleem Muhammad. The court ordered Saleem to return the children to their mothers after disputes arose due to religious differences.
Polish refers to something or someone from Poland, which is a country in Europe.
Custody means the legal right to take care of a child. It decides who the child will live with and who will make important decisions for them.
Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan, a country in South Asia.
A petition is a formal request made to a court asking for a specific legal action, like asking for custody of a child.
A Joint Investigation Team is a group of people from different organizations who work together to investigate a case and find out the truth.
The Exit Control List is a list in Pakistan that prevents certain people from leaving the country, usually because of legal issues.
Religious beliefs are the ideas and practices related to a person's faith or religion, like what they believe about God or how they should live their life.
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