On Monday, Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi inaugurated the third National Mines Ministers' Conference in Konark, Odisha. He emphasized Odisha's significant role in helping India become a developed nation by 2047. CM Majhi highlighted that Odisha, along with Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, supplies over two-thirds of the country's base metals demand.
During the conference, CM Majhi stated, "I am happy that the three states - Odisha, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand produce and supply more than 2/3rd of all base metals' demand of the country and we are in the eastern part of the country which has been rightly described as Purvoyadaya by PM Narendra Modi." He further added that these states will drive growth, with Odisha playing a major role.
The two-day conference aims to explore the mining sector, attract investors, and boost economic growth in Odisha, the richest mining state in India. It will also impact the upcoming Utkarsh Odisha Conference on January 28-29.
CM Majhi expressed pride in hosting the event in Odisha, a state known for its mineral resources that contribute significantly to India's industrial and economic growth. He mentioned that the conference is a platform for knowledge-sharing and policy deliberation to ensure sustainable mining practices.
In a post on X, CM Majhi praised the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the 'Purvodaya Mission,' which aims to unlock India's economic potential and build a prosperous, self-reliant nation. Odisha is set to play a pivotal role in this transformation.
Odisha is a state located on the eastern coast of India. It is known for its rich culture, history, and natural resources.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state. Mohan Charan Majhi is the Chief Minister of Odisha.
This is a meeting where ministers responsible for mining from different parts of India come together to discuss important issues related to mining.
Konark is a town in Odisha, famous for the Sun Temple, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Base metals are common and inexpensive metals like iron, copper, and aluminum, which are used in many industries.
This is an upcoming event focused on the development and progress of Odisha, aiming to showcase the state's potential and achievements.
These are methods of mining that aim to reduce environmental impact and ensure that natural resources are used responsibly and efficiently.
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