In the ancient town of Tokha, near Kathmandu, Nepal, the traditional sweet known as Chaku is facing a worker shortage. Chaku, made from jaggery molasses, is a popular confectionery, especially during the Maghe Sakranti festival. Rohit Shrestha, a 19-year-old from a family with a long history in Chaku production, is considering moving abroad for better opportunities, a trend common among Nepalese youth.
The migration of young people seeking education and jobs abroad is affecting local industries. In Tokha, where Chaku production is seasonal, the number of workers has decreased significantly. Rohit's factory, which once employed 20 people, now has only 11 workers, including family members.
Despite the high demand for Chaku, the shortage of workers is causing a supply gap. Buddha Shrestha, Vice-Chairman of the Tokha Traditional Chaku Conservation Society, highlights the challenge of meeting demand due to the lack of staff.
According to the Department of Foreign Employment, nearly 84,000 Nepalis left the country for work in a single month, marking a record high. The majority head to Gulf countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. This migration trend has increased remittances, with over 70% coming from the Gulf.
Chaku is a traditional sweet made from jaggery, which is a type of sugar, and is popular in Nepal, especially during festivals.
Youth migration refers to young people moving from one place to another, often from their home country to another country, in search of better job opportunities or education.
Tokha is a place in Nepal known for producing Chaku, a traditional sweet. It is a small town near the capital city, Kathmandu.
Rohit Shrestha is a person mentioned in the summary who is part of a family involved in making Chaku. He represents many young people in Nepal who are considering moving abroad for work.
Gulf countries are a group of countries in the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where many people from Nepal go to work.
Remittances are money that people earn while working in another country and send back to their families in their home country. It is an important source of income for many families in Nepal.
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