The Mumbai Police have successfully arrested Raju Vikanya, also known as Vilas Balram Pawar, a notorious henchman of the infamous gangster Chhota Rajan. Vikanya was wanted for multiple crimes, including murder, kidnapping, and illegal possession of weapons, and had been evading capture for 32 years.
Police officials received a tip-off about Vikanya's location in the Chembur area of Mumbai. Acting swiftly, they apprehended him on Thursday. Vikanya has numerous cases registered against him across various police stations in Mumbai.
In related news, Chhota Rajan was granted bail by the Bombay High Court in October for the 2001 Jaya Shetty murder case, although he remains in jail due to other ongoing trials. A special CBI court also acquitted him in 2023 of the murder of trade union leader Dr. Datta Samant, who was killed in 1997.
Chhota Rajan is a well-known gangster from India. He was involved in many illegal activities like smuggling and extortion. He has been in jail for various crimes.
A henchman is a person who works for a criminal or a bad person. They help the criminal in doing illegal activities.
Mumbai Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in Mumbai, a big city in India. They catch criminals and ensure the safety of people.
Raju Vikanya is a person who worked for the gangster Chhota Rajan. He was involved in crimes like murder and kidnapping.
Chembur is a neighborhood in Mumbai, India. It is a place where many people live and work.
Bail is when a person who is in jail is allowed to go home until their trial. They have to promise to come back to court when asked.
Acquitted means that a person was found not guilty of a crime in a court of law. It means they did not do the crime they were accused of.
Dr. Datta Samant was a famous trade union leader in India. He was known for fighting for the rights of workers.
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