An LPG tanker traveling from Cochin to Coimbatore overturned on the Avinashi road flyover in Tamil Nadu. The incident occurred around 3 am, as reported by Coimbatore District Collector Kranti Kumar Padi. The tanker was carrying 18 metric tonnes of LPG. Emergency services, including the fire department and city police, are on the scene. The leakage has been controlled, and repairs are underway to fix the coupling plate before the tanker can be righted. An investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the accident. Traffic has been cordoned off, and safety measures are in place. Officials assure there is no need for panic.
LPG stands for Liquefied Petroleum Gas. It is a type of gas used for cooking and heating in homes. It is stored in liquid form in tanks and can be dangerous if it leaks.
A tanker is a large vehicle designed to carry liquids or gases. In this case, it was carrying LPG gas.
A flyover is a bridge that allows one road to pass over another. Avinashi Road Flyover is a specific flyover located in Tamil Nadu, India.
Tamil Nadu is a state in the southern part of India. It is known for its rich culture and history.
A District Collector is a government official in charge of a district. Coimbatore is a city in Tamil Nadu, and Kranti Kumar Padi is the official responsible for managing the district's administration.
A metric tonne is a unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms. It is used to measure large quantities, like the amount of gas in the tanker.
Cordoned off means that an area has been blocked or closed to keep people away for safety reasons. In this case, traffic has been stopped to prevent accidents.
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