Katsuhiko Kawazoe, known as the "Godparent" of NTT's Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN), has revealed the groundbreaking potential of this technology. IOWN aims to transform society by replacing traditional electronic communication with advanced optical communication.
Kawazoe, Senior Executive Vice President of NTT, explained that while the internet is widely accessible, it operates on a 'best-effort' basis, which can lead to slowdowns and unreliability. This is particularly problematic for industries that require guaranteed speeds and uninterrupted service.
In 2019, NTT introduced the optical transistor, a revolutionary technology using "membrane compound semiconductor devices". This allows for faster data transmission, greater capacity, and significantly lower energy consumption compared to traditional systems.
Kawazoe highlighted three main advantages of IOWN:
Kawazoe envisions a future where IOWN leads to new business opportunities and changes in consumer attitudes towards energy usage. He aims to reduce smartphone energy consumption significantly, potentially using kinetic and solar energy for sustainable operation.
With the adoption of IOWN, Kawazoe foresees a shift towards a more sustainable society, transforming how we perceive and use electronics and energy.
Katsuhiko Kawazoe is a high-ranking official at NTT, a major telecommunications company in Japan. He is responsible for introducing new technologies like IOWN.
NTT stands for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, which is a large telecommunications company in Japan. They work on developing new technologies for communication.
IOWN stands for Innovative Optical and Wireless Network. It is a new technology that uses light instead of electricity to send information, making communication faster and more efficient.
Optical communication is a way of sending information using light, like through fiber optic cables. It is faster and can carry more data than traditional electronic communication.
Latency is the time it takes for data to travel from one place to another. Lower latency means information is sent and received more quickly, which is important for things like video calls and online games.
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