Bengaluru, Karnataka: In an effort to boost development in Dharwad, known as the cultural capital of Karnataka, Minister HK Patil has announced the creation of a separate corporation for the city. This decision, approved by the state cabinet, aims to decentralize administration and enhance local infrastructure.
Additionally, a 15% increase in ticket prices for Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) buses has been approved, effective from January 5, 2025. Minister Patil explained that the fare hike is necessary to address the financial challenges faced by KSRTC, which include rising fuel prices and operational costs. The increase is expected to generate Rs 74.84 crores monthly, helping to bridge the corporation's financial deficit.
Patil noted that similar fare adjustments were made in other corporations five years ago when diesel prices were lower. The new fares will apply statewide to KSRTC buses, providing much-needed revenue to support the corporation's operations.
HK Patil is a politician from Karnataka, a state in India. He is a minister in the Karnataka government, which means he is responsible for certain government activities and decisions.
A corporation for Dharwad means a special organization or body is being set up to manage and improve the city of Dharwad. This is done to help the city grow and make it easier to handle local issues.
KSRTC stands for Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation. It is a government-run organization that provides bus services across the state of Karnataka.
A fare hike means an increase in the price of bus tickets. This is done to cover the costs of running the buses, like fuel and maintenance.
Decentralize administration means spreading out the control and decision-making from a central authority to local areas. This helps in managing local issues more effectively and allows for better development.
Rs 74.84 crores is a large amount of money, specifically 748.4 million rupees. It is the expected additional income from the increased bus fares.
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