On December 30, Justice V Ramasubramanian, a former Supreme Court Judge, took charge as the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in India. Justice (Dr) Vidyut Ranjan Sarangi also joined as a member. Their appointments were made by President Draupadi Murmu on December 21. The event was attended by Vijaya Bharathi Sayani, Bharat Lal, and other NHRC officials.
Born in Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu, Justice Ramasubramanian has a rich legal background. He studied Chemistry at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College and pursued law at Madras Law College. He began his legal career in 1983 and served in various high courts before becoming a Supreme Court Judge in 2019. He retired in 2023 after authoring 102 judgments.
Justice Sarangi, born in Odisha, has a distinguished legal career. He practiced law for over 27 years and served as a judge in the Orissa High Court, disposing of over 152,000 cases. He became the Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High Court in 2024.
Priyank Kanoongo, from Madhya Pradesh, served as Chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. He focused on child welfare systems and authored a book on children in care institutions. Under his leadership, several initiatives were launched to protect children's rights.
Justice V Ramasubramanian is a respected judge who has worked in the Supreme Court of India. He has a lot of experience in law and has now been chosen to lead the National Human Rights Commission.
The National Human Rights Commission is an important organization in India that works to protect and promote human rights. Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that every person should have.
Justice (Dr) Vidyut Ranjan Sarangi is another experienced legal professional who has been appointed as a member of the National Human Rights Commission. He has made important contributions to Indian law.
Draupadi Murmu is the President of India, which means she is the head of the country. She has the authority to make important appointments like those in the National Human Rights Commission.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in India. It makes important decisions about laws and justice in the country.
Priyank Kanoongo is known for his work in protecting the rights of children in India. He was the Chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, which focuses on ensuring children's rights are respected.
This is an organization in India that works to make sure children are safe and their rights are protected. It focuses on issues like education, health, and safety for children.
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