An Indian student named Ravi Teja from Hyderabad was tragically shot dead in New Haven, Connecticut. He had traveled to the United States to pursue a Master's degree in Science. The incident has raised concerns among Indian students about their safety abroad.
Upender Reddy, a family friend, expressed the family's distress and urged the Indian and Telangana governments to expedite the return of Ravi's body. He also called for measures to ensure the safety of Indian students overseas.
The Indian consulate in New York has expressed condolences and is providing assistance to Ravi's family, including the repatriation of his remains to India.
Arvind Kejriwal, Aam Aadmi Party leader, highlighted the need for better educational opportunities in India to prevent students from seeking education abroad. He expressed concern over the increasing incidents of violence against Indian students overseas.
Connecticut is a state in the United States of America. It is located in the northeastern part of the country.
New Haven is a city in Connecticut, USA. It is known for being the home of Yale University, a famous university.
A Master's degree is an advanced level of study that people do after completing their basic college education. It usually takes 1-2 years to complete.
An Indian consulate is an office in another country that helps Indian citizens with various services. It is like a mini Indian government office in a foreign land.
Arvind Kejriwal is an Indian politician and the Chief Minister of Delhi. He is known for his work in improving education and governance in Delhi.
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