In Tokyo, Japan, Rushan Abbas, Executive Director of Campaign for Uyghurs, and members of the Japan Uyghur Association addressed the Japan Uyghur Parliamentary Friendship Group at the Japanese Parliament. They highlighted the plight of 48 Uyghurs detained in Thailand, urging Japan and the international community to prevent their deportation to China, where they face severe persecution.
The Uyghur leaders emphasized the ongoing oppression by the Chinese Communist Party and called for international solidarity. Campaign for Uyghurs shared images of the meeting on social media, urging Japan to act against the CCP's oppression.
This address aligns with a global movement defending Uyghur refugees. The World Uyghur Congress and other groups have protested outside Thai embassies, demanding Thailand stop plans to return the Uyghurs to China. The East Turkistan Government in Exile condemned such deportations as violations of international law, urging global action to protect Uyghur refugees.
The international community has condemned China's treatment of Uyghurs, particularly in Xinjiang, where human rights violations are reported. Despite China's denial, many organizations recognize these actions as genocide.
Activists are people who work to bring about social or political change. They often speak out against injustices and try to help those who are being treated unfairly.
Uyghurs are a group of people who mostly live in a region called Xinjiang in China. They have their own unique culture, language, and traditions.
Deportation is when a person is forced to leave a country and return to their home country. It usually happens when someone is in a country without permission or if they have broken the law.
Persecution is when someone is treated very badly because of their race, religion, or beliefs. It can include being hurt, put in jail, or treated unfairly.
Genocide is a very serious crime where a large group of people are harmed or killed because of their race, religion, or nationality. It is considered one of the worst crimes against humanity.
The East Turkistan Government in Exile is a group that represents Uyghurs who want independence from China. They are not officially recognized by most countries but work to raise awareness about Uyghur issues.
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