As the Maha Kumbh Mela approaches, Indian Railways is gearing up to handle an expected 40 crore pilgrims. Dilip Kumar, Executive Director of Information and Publicity of the Railway Board, announced plans to run 13,000 trains to accommodate visitors. The initiative, under the slogan 'Divya Kumbh, Bhavya Kumbh, Digital Maha Kumbh', focuses on smooth and safe transportation.
Railway stations near Kumbh Mela venues are undergoing significant upgrades to improve passenger facilities. Kumar assured that amenities have been enhanced, and safety measures are in place with the deployment of Railway Police Force and Government Railway Police.
Efforts to promote digital ticketing are underway, with increased ticketing facilities and new counters in the Kumbh Mela area. Additionally, a new rail division for Jammu has been announced, covering 721 kilometers from Jammu to Srinagar-Budgam. This move aims to strengthen connectivity in Jammu and Kashmir, previously part of the Ferozepur division.
Indian Railways is accelerating infrastructure development, with new rail lines and expanded routes. The upcoming Jammu to Srinagar operation is a key development, enhancing regional connectivity.
Maha Kumbh Mela is a big religious festival in India where millions of people gather to take a holy dip in sacred rivers. It happens every 12 years and is one of the largest gatherings of people in the world.
Indian Railways is the government-owned railway company in India. It operates most of the trains in the country and is one of the largest railway networks in the world.
Pilgrims are people who travel to a holy place for religious reasons. In the context of the Maha Kumbh Mela, they are the people visiting the festival to take part in the religious activities.
Digital ticketing means buying train tickets online using a computer or smartphone instead of buying paper tickets at the station. It makes the process faster and more convenient for passengers.
A rail division is a part of the railway network that is managed separately. The new Jammu rail division will help improve train services and connectivity in the Jammu and Kashmir region.
Connectivity refers to how well different places are linked by transportation, like roads or railways. Better connectivity means it's easier and faster to travel between places.
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