In Rawalpindi, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke with his lawyers and media at Adiala Jail. He defended the Al-Qadir Trust and addressed legal issues involving his wife, Bushra Bibi. Khan emphasized that the Al-Qadir University project existed before any agreement with Malik Riaz and the NCA, and that neither he nor his wife benefited personally from it. He urged the government to reveal the contents of a 'sealed envelope' related to the trust to the public.
Khan criticized the political involvement of his wife, stating that Bushra Bibi was unjustly jailed for supporting him. He described her as a strong woman and his strength, not a weakness. Additionally, Khan called for international human rights organizations to be involved in addressing the deaths of innocent, unarmed people, urging the establishment of a judicial commission to ensure justice. He instructed his legal team to prioritize human rights cases and reach out to international bodies.
Imran Khan is a famous politician in Pakistan who was also the Prime Minister of the country. Before entering politics, he was a well-known cricketer.
The Al-Qadir Trust is an organization in Pakistan. It is involved in educational and charitable activities, and Imran Khan is associated with it.
A judicial commission is a group of people, usually judges, who are asked to investigate and report on a specific issue. In this case, Imran Khan wants a commission to look into human rights issues.
Adiala Jail is a prison located in Pakistan. It is where Imran Khan was speaking from when he defended the Al-Qadir Trust.
Malik Riaz is a well-known businessman in Pakistan. He is involved in real estate and has been part of various agreements and controversies.
NCA stands for National Crime Agency, which is a law enforcement agency in the UK. It deals with serious and organized crime.
Bushra Bibi is the wife of Imran Khan. She has been mentioned in the context of political targeting, according to Imran Khan.
Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. Imran Khan is concerned about these rights being violated in Pakistan.
International involvement means getting help or attention from other countries or global organizations. Imran Khan wants the world to pay attention to the human rights issues in Pakistan.
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