The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has introduced a dedicated webpage to provide weather updates for the upcoming Mahakumbh Mela. This event, held every 12 years, will take place in Prayagraj from January 13 to February 26. The webpage will offer weather updates every 15 minutes and forecasts twice daily, as announced by IMD Director Manish Ranalkar.
Mahakumbh has been designated as a temporary district, with three new Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) installed. Real-time weather updates will be accessible on the webpage, and two digital displays will be set up in the district for public convenience.
The Mahanirvani Akhara sadhus have arrived at the Mahakumbh camp, accompanied by traditional music and rituals. Seers from Atal Akhara also made a grand entrance, welcomed by police officials. Vishwasanand Saraswati, Acharya of Atal Akhada, encouraged everyone to attend the Mela to witness and promote unity.
The Mahakumbh will feature significant bathing rituals known as Shahi Snan on January 14, January 29, and February 3. Spiritual leader Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj praised the arrangements for this year's event.
IMD stands for Indian Meteorological Department. It is a government agency in India that studies the weather and provides forecasts and warnings about weather conditions.
The Mahakumbh Mela is a large religious festival in India that happens every 12 years. It is a gathering of millions of people who come to take a holy dip in the river, pray, and perform rituals.
Prayagraj is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is an important place for Hindu pilgrims because it is located at the confluence of three rivers: the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati.
Sadhus and seers are holy men in Hinduism. They often live a life of simplicity and meditation, and they are respected for their spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
Weather stations are places where scientists use special tools to measure and record weather conditions like temperature, wind speed, and rainfall. This helps in predicting the weather accurately.
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