In Hyderabad, the city police have arrested 22 individuals for allegedly selling banned Chinese manja, a sharp kite string made from non-biodegradable materials. This action was taken after a 40-year-old man named Krishna Rao was severely injured when the string cut his throat while he was riding his two-wheeler in Ramaram, Bhadradri Kothagudem district.
The Mangalhat Police Station, under the supervision of Inspector M. Mahesh and other officials, conducted a special drive from November 10, 2024, to date. They targeted shops selling the banned manja in the Mangalhat area. Deputy Commissioner of Police G. Chandra Mohan reported that 18 cases have been registered against the accused, and 1094 bobbins of the synthetic string were seized.
The police have warned shop owners against selling the banned manja and have held meetings with locals to discuss safety measures for kite flying. They emphasized the importance of using safe materials to prevent harm to humans, birds, and animals.
Krishna Rao, the injured man, was taken to a local hospital and is now out of danger. No formal complaint has been filed regarding his incident.
Hyderabad Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of Hyderabad, which is the capital of the Indian state of Telangana.
Chinese Manja is a type of kite string that is coated with glass or other sharp materials, making it very dangerous. It is banned in many places because it can cause injuries to people and animals.
Bobbins are spools or reels that hold the kite string. In this context, 1094 bobbins of the dangerous string were seized by the police.
Kite flying safety refers to the precautions and guidelines people should follow to ensure that flying kites does not harm anyone. This includes using safe materials and being aware of surroundings to avoid accidents.
Krishna Rao is the person who got injured by the dangerous Chinese Manja. He is currently recovering in the hospital.
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