Former Sri Lankan Army Chief Sarath Fonseka Talks About Chinese Ships and Presidential Run

Former Sri Lankan Army Chief Sarath Fonseka Talks About Chinese Ships and Presidential Run

Former Sri Lankan Army Chief Sarath Fonseka Talks About Chinese Ships and Presidential Run

Former Sri Lankan Army Chief, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka

Concerns Over Chinese Ships

Former Sri Lankan Army Chief, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka, has raised concerns about Chinese surveillance ships in the Indian Ocean, especially in Sri Lankan waters. He acknowledged the worries of India and the US, stressing the importance of considering the security concerns of neighboring countries, particularly India.

Fonseka stated, “I don’t approve the presence of any military personnel within the territorial waters or the territory of our country…We have to give priority to the security sentiments of India. Being a neighbour, we have a close relationship with India. We must understand the issues relevant to Indian security in the region.”

Unwarranted Incident

Fonseka described the presence of Chinese surveillance ships as “unwarranted” and assured that if he were responsible, he would prevent such incidents from happening again. He emphasized the importance of not upsetting the concerns of neighboring countries, especially India.

Presidential Candidacy

Fonseka also announced his candidacy for the upcoming presidential election in Sri Lanka, scheduled for September. He shared his motivation for entering politics, citing his experience in ending terrorism in Sri Lanka and criticizing the government’s handling of the war effort.

“I came into politics soon after the army, which was commanded by me, ended terrorism in Sri Lanka…We were facing a lot of difficulties towards the latter stage of the war, administrative issues, and no facilities for soldiers,” he said.

Addressing Corruption

Fonseka pledged to tackle corruption and nepotism, ensure development, and guide the people by highlighting the country’s weak areas. He expressed his belief that no other leader has a similar vision.

“I will ensure that the people are not being taken on a ride and the government will not continue to cheat and betray the people…The politics in the country as a whole is very corrupt and not in the interests of the country,” he said.

Chinese Ship Incident

Earlier, a Chinese ship was allowed to dock at the port of Colombo for replenishment from October 25 to October 28 last year. The vessel was expected to conduct research with Sri Lankan state institutions, but permission was granted only for replenishment. In January, Sri Lanka declared a yearlong moratorium on foreign research ships entering its waters amid India’s concerns over Chinese vessels docking in the region.

Doubts Revealed

Sri Lankan Army Chief -: The Sri Lankan Army Chief is the top military officer in Sri Lanka, responsible for leading the army. Sarath Fonseka used to be the head of the Sri Lankan Army.

Chinese surveillance ships -: These are special ships from China that can watch and gather information from the sea. They are like spies on water.

Indian Ocean -: The Indian Ocean is a large body of water that lies to the south of India. It is one of the world’s major oceans.

Presidential election -: A presidential election is when people vote to choose the president of a country. Sarath Fonseka wants to be the next president of Sri Lanka.

Corruption -: Corruption means dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people like government officials. It includes things like taking bribes or stealing money.

Nepotism -: Nepotism is when people in power give jobs or favors to their family members or friends, even if they don’t deserve it.

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