In Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, a shooting incident took place outside D Mart in the Sanpada area. The event occurred on a Friday morning around 9:30 am. According to Amit Kale, the Deputy Commissioner of Police for the Navi Mumbai Crime Branch, two individuals on a motorcycle were involved in the shooting, which resulted in one person being injured. Fortunately, the injured person's condition is stable. The police are actively investigating the matter to gather more information.
D Mart is a popular chain of supermarkets in India where people go to buy groceries and other household items.
Navi Mumbai is a planned city located near Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra, India. It was developed to help reduce the population pressure on Mumbai.
Sanpada is a locality in Navi Mumbai, known for its residential areas and proximity to various amenities like shopping centers and schools.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police is a high-ranking officer in the police department responsible for maintaining law and order in a specific area.
The Crime Branch is a specialized unit of the police department that investigates serious crimes like shootings, robberies, and other criminal activities.
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