In New Delhi, two Bangladeshi nationals, Liyacat and his wife Nasreen, were caught by the Safdarjung Enclave Police Station during a verification drive. The couple, who had been living illegally in Delhi since 2012, were deported back to Bangladesh. They were originally from Kalakabadi village in Bagerhat District, Bangladesh. This action is part of a larger effort by the Delhi Police to identify and deport illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.
Earlier, other Bangladeshi nationals, including Lovely Khatoon Islam from Rajshahi and Md Bablu from Dhaka, were also deported. The Delhi Police have identified over 25 illegal immigrants and are actively working on their deportation. Special Commissioner of Police Law and Order, Madhup Tiwari, stated that this initiative follows the orders of Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena. The police have also uncovered a racket involved in creating illegal Aadhar cards for these immigrants.
This operation highlights the South West District Police's commitment to enforcing immigration laws and maintaining order.
Deport means to send someone back to their own country because they are living in another country without permission.
These are people from Bangladesh who are living in another country, like India, without the legal permission or documents needed to stay there.
The Lieutenant Governor is a high-ranking official who helps manage a region or territory, like Delhi, on behalf of the government.
Aadhar cards are unique identification cards given to people in India, which have their personal details and are used for various official purposes.
A Special Commissioner is a senior police officer who has important responsibilities, like making sure laws are followed and keeping people safe.
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