In New Delhi, Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj shared exciting news about a new scheme called the 'Pujari Granthi Samman Yojna'. This announcement was made by AAP Chief Arvind Kejriwal.
The 'Pujari Granthi Samman Yojna' is a special plan where priests from temples and 'granthis' from Gurudwaras will receive an honorarium of about Rs 18,000 per month. This initiative aims to support those who have dedicated their lives to religious services.
According to Saurabh Bhardwaj, the priests and granthis are very happy with this announcement. Many of them met with Arvind Kejriwal and expressed their gratitude. Kejriwal also shared that he received numerous calls and messages from across the country, showing widespread happiness among religious communities.
Arvind Kejriwal mentioned that this scheme would be implemented once the Aam Aadmi Party wins the upcoming elections in Delhi. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the contributions of priests and granthis, who have preserved cultural rituals for generations.
Saurabh Bhardwaj is a politician from Delhi, India. He is a member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and serves as a minister in the Delhi government.
The Pujari Granthi Samman Yojna is a new scheme announced to support temple priests and Gurudwara granthis by providing them with a monthly honorarium. It aims to help those who maintain religious and cultural traditions.
Arvind Kejriwal is the Chief Minister of Delhi and the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He is known for introducing various schemes to improve the lives of Delhi's residents.
An honorarium is a payment given to someone for their services, often as a token of appreciation. In this context, it refers to the monthly payment of Rs 18,000 to priests and granthis.
Temple priests are individuals who perform religious rituals and ceremonies in Hindu temples. They play an important role in maintaining religious practices and traditions.
Gurudwara granthis are individuals who read and explain the Sikh holy scriptures in Gurudwaras, which are places of worship for Sikhs. They help in conducting religious services and ceremonies.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a political party in India, known for its focus on anti-corruption and governance reforms. It is currently in power in Delhi.
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