A Delhi court has granted bail to Ranjeet Singh, one of the accused in a gang rape case involving a minor and the sexual assault of her deceased mother. The case, which involves nine living accused and one deceased, was registered at the Khyala police station in 2022. Vacation Judge Aditi Garg of Tis Hazari Court granted bail on December 28, citing medical grounds.
The court considered Singh's health issues, noting his admission to the jail dispensary since December 18. The decision also took into account the death of co-accused Shamsher Singh in custody due to inadequate medical facilities. Bail was granted after the chief examination of the minor victim was recorded, with Singh required to post a personal bond of Rs 30,000 and two sureties of the same amount.
Advocate Deepak Sharma, representing Singh, argued that there was no evidence against his client beyond the statements of the complainant and the minor victim. He highlighted the lack of corroborative or scientific evidence. Other accused individuals in the case have already been released on bail.
The FIR was filed following a court order on an application by the complainant's mother in 2022. Singh, who had been declared a proclaimed offender in August 2022, surrendered to the court on January 17, 2023, and was subsequently arrested.
Bail is when a person accused of a crime is allowed to be free until their trial, usually by paying money as a promise to return to court.
Gang rape is a very serious crime where a group of people harm someone in a very bad way. It is illegal and punishable by law.
A minor is a person who is under 18 years old. They are considered children and have special protections under the law.
Deceased means someone who has died. In this case, it refers to the mother of the minor who is no longer alive.
A proclaimed offender is someone who has been declared by the court as a person who is avoiding arrest or trial.
Sureties are people who promise to pay money if the person released on bail does not return to court. They act as a guarantee.
An advocate is a lawyer who helps people in legal matters, like defending them in court.
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