On Thursday, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi inaugurated the Punjabi Bagh Flyover, a significant infrastructure project aimed at reducing traffic congestion and pollution in the city. The flyover is expected to save 11 lakh litres of fuel annually and reduce pollution equivalent to planting 65,000 trees. It will also save commuters 40,000 hours daily, benefiting over 3 lakh people in areas like Najafgarh and Raja Garden.
Over the past decade, under the leadership of Arvind Kejriwal, the AAP government has constructed 39 flyovers in Delhi. CM Atishi highlighted that Delhi's per capita income has increased 2.5 times, now standing at Rs. 4,62,000, above the national average. This growth is attributed to the people's trust in an honest government.
The six-lane flyover, spanning over 1.12 km, eliminates three major traffic signals, easing travel for vehicles between Azadpur, Raja Garden, Paschim Vihar, Najafgarh, and ESI Hospital. It complements the Moti Nagar Flyover, which was expanded under Arvind Kejriwal's leadership.
CM Atishi emphasized the rapid infrastructure development in Delhi, including roads, metro lines, and public amenities. The city's GSDP has grown 2.5 times in the last decade, and Delhi now has the highest per capita income among states with a population over one crore.
Looking ahead, CM Atishi hopes for continued development in Delhi over the next five years. Deputy Speaker Rakhi Bidlan and MLA Shiv Charan Goel praised the flyover's completion, highlighting its cost efficiency and impact on reducing pollution and travel time.
Atishi is the Chief Minister of Delhi, a city and union territory in India. She is a leader from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which is a political party in India.
A flyover is a bridge that allows one road to pass over another. The Punjabi Bagh Flyover is a new bridge in Delhi that helps vehicles move faster and reduces traffic jams.
A lakh is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to 100,000. So, 11 lakh litres means 1,100,000 litres, which is a lot of fuel that will be saved every year.
3 lakh means 300,000 people. This is the number of people who will benefit from the new flyover every day.
Arvind Kejriwal is a politician in India and the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party. He has been the Chief Minister of Delhi before Atishi.
AAP stands for Aam Aadmi Party, which is a political party in India that focuses on common people's issues. They are currently in power in Delhi.
Per capita income is the average amount of money earned by each person in a certain area, like a city or country. It helps to understand how wealthy the people in that area are.
GSDP stands for Gross State Domestic Product. It is the total value of all goods and services produced in a state or union territory, like Delhi, in a year. It shows how well the economy is doing.
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