The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi celebrated the achievements of athletes who shone at the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. Chief Minister Atishi awarded a total of Rs 3.35 crore to five athletes and a coach. Sharad Kumar received Rs 2 crore, Aman got Rs 1 crore, and Rs 10 lakh each was given to Sharad Kumar's coach Sajal Kumar Rai, Tulika Maan, and Vikas Singh. Amoj Jacob was awarded Rs 5 lakh.
During the event, children from the Delhi Sports School interacted with the athletes, gaining insights into achieving success in sports. CM Atishi emphasized the government's commitment to nurturing sports talent over the past decade. She highlighted the emotional impact of athletes' achievements on the nation and discussed the challenges faced by Indian athletes due to inadequate support.
Atishi expressed pride in the Delhi government's efforts to support athletes through initiatives like the Delhi Sports School and the Play and Progress scheme, which has aided over 1,400 athletes since 2018. The Mission Excellence program has also provided financial assistance to 394 athletes.
She also mentioned the development of sports infrastructure, such as the inauguration of an astroturf field, which is expected to boost India's performance in hockey. Atishi concluded by expressing hope that the students of Delhi Sports School will elevate India's medal tally in future Olympics.
Atishi is the Chief Minister of Delhi, a city in India. She is a leader from the Aam Aadmi Party, which is a political party in India.
The Aam Aadmi Party, often abbreviated as AAP, is a political party in India. It was founded to fight against corruption and to bring better governance to the people.
The Olympics is a big international sports event where athletes from all over the world compete in various sports. It happens every four years.
The Paralympics is a major international sports event for athletes with disabilities. It takes place shortly after the Olympics and features similar sports.
The Delhi Sports School is an initiative by the Delhi government to train young athletes. It provides facilities and coaching to help them excel in sports.
Infrastructure development refers to building and improving facilities like stadiums, roads, and other structures. It helps in providing better support for sports and other activities.
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