In Paladhi village, located in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district, a curfew was lifted after peace was restored following a clash between two groups on December 31, 2024. The incident occurred around 11 pm and involved a road rage situation that escalated, leading to a gathering of about 100 to 150 people.
During the clash, approximately 20 to 25 individuals set several shops and 12 vehicles on fire. The police were deployed promptly, and peace was restored. Two FIRs were registered, and 7 accused were arrested on the same day. Further analysis of CCTV footage led to the identification of 8 more suspects who are currently absconding.
Jalgaon District Collector Ayush Prasad stated that the administration acted swiftly to minimize damage. He mentioned that evidence was collected, and villagers agreed that such incidents should not occur. Restrictions under Section 163 of the Indian Civil Security Code (BNSS) were lifted.
NCP-SCP leader Jitendra Awhad accused Minister Gulab Rao Patil of being responsible for the chaos, suggesting a political background to the violence.
A curfew is a rule that requires people to stay indoors during certain hours, usually to keep them safe or to maintain order.
Paladhi is a small village located in the state of Maharashtra, India.
A District Collector is an important government official in charge of administration and law and order in a district. Ayush Prasad is the person holding this position in Jalgaon.
Road rage is when someone gets very angry while driving, often leading to aggressive behavior or accidents.
NCP stands for Nationalist Congress Party, and SCP might be a typo or less known party. These are political parties in India.
Jitendra Awhad is a politician in India, associated with the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).
Gulab Rao Patil is a politician and a minister in the Maharashtra government.
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