In Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has outlined measures to address the cold wave affecting the state. During a meeting at the Secretariat, he instructed officials to ensure all necessary amenities are available in rain shelters across districts. Senior officers, district magistrates, and police superintendents are tasked with inspecting these shelters regularly.
CM Dhami emphasized the importance of providing blankets, gloves, socks, and other essentials to those in need. He also highlighted the need to inform people about bonfire arrangements at night. To prevent road obstructions due to snowfall, he directed proper snow management in heavily affected areas.
Special attention is to be given to pregnant women, with district magistrates maintaining complete data to ensure prompt medical assistance. Arrangements for destitute animals during the cold wave were also discussed. CM Dhami urged officials to expedite road construction projects and ensure eligible individuals benefit from government schemes without misuse.
For the winter stay places of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Yamunotri, and Gangotri, necessary arrangements for devotees' convenience were instructed. In preparation for the 38th National Games in Uttarakhand, CM Dhami called for coordinated efforts among departments, with each taking individual responsibility.
Secretary of Disaster Management, Vinod Kumar Suman, provided a detailed presentation on ongoing efforts to mitigate the cold wave's impact.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state. Pushkar Singh Dhami is the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, a state in northern India.
A cold wave is a weather condition where the temperature drops significantly below normal levels, making it very cold. It can cause problems for people, animals, and plants.
Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and the Himalayas. It can get very cold there, especially in winter.
Rain shelters are places where people can stay to protect themselves from rain and cold weather. They provide basic facilities to keep people safe and warm.
Destitute animals are animals that do not have a home or anyone to take care of them. They need help, especially during harsh weather conditions like a cold wave.
The National Games is a multi-sport event held in India, where athletes from different states compete. The 38th edition means it is the 38th time this event is being organized.
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