The Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) women's wing in Tamil Nadu organized a protest against the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) government. They demanded justice for a student who was sexually assaulted at Anna University in Chennai. The protest, called the "Justice rally," started from Madurai and was headed to Chennai, but the participants were detained by the police.
BJP leader Khusboo Sundar criticized the DMK, stating that the party is frightened by the protest and accused them of doing nothing for women's safety. She emphasized that the BJP does not need publicity as it is already performing well across India.
BJP state president K. Annamalai announced the protest on social media, alleging that the accused is linked to the DMK and accused the government of trying to hide the truth. He condemned the incident and the alleged cover-up.
Annamalai also criticized the DMK government for the state's worsening law and order situation, citing an increase in crimes against women and children. He mentioned a 55% rise in child marriages and a 31% increase in rape cases, according to NCRB 2022 data.
The Madras High Court has ordered the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the alleged sexual assault case at Anna University.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India. It is known for its nationalist policies and is currently the ruling party in India.
DMK stands for Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, which is a political party in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is one of the major parties in the state and often competes with the BJP.
Anna University is a well-known university located in Tamil Nadu, India. It offers higher education in engineering, technology, and allied sciences.
Khusboo Sundar is an Indian actress and politician. She is a member of the BJP and is involved in political activities, especially in Tamil Nadu.
K. Annamalai is a politician and the state president of the BJP in Tamil Nadu. He is known for his active role in the party's activities in the state.
The Madras High Court is one of the oldest high courts in India, located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. It deals with legal matters and issues orders related to justice in the state.
A Special Investigation Team (SIT) is a group of police officers or investigators appointed to investigate serious crimes. They are tasked with finding the truth and ensuring justice is served.
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