On December 30, Delhi BJP General Secretary and MP Yogendra Chandolia criticized the AAP government for treating guest teachers unfairly. He claimed that their salaries have not increased in seven years. Chandolia, along with delegations of guest and contract teachers, met with Delhi's Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena to discuss their demands for regular salaries and permanent employment.
Chandolia, who supported a protest by guest teachers at Chandgi Ram Akhada, fulfilled his promise to bring their issues to the Lieutenant Governor's attention. He accused the Delhi government of false propaganda and neglecting 23,000 guest teachers, treating them like daily wage workers. He highlighted that salaries have not increased and are not provided during summer vacations.
Chandolia also criticized the delay in conducting the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) exams, which affects Special Educator Teachers. He urged the Governor to ensure these exams are conducted promptly to prevent candidates from becoming overaged.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India. It is known for its nationalist policies and is currently the ruling party in India.
Yogendra Chandolia is a leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Delhi. He is involved in political activities and represents the interests of his party in the region.
AAP stands for Aam Aadmi Party, which is another political party in India. It is known for its focus on anti-corruption and governance reforms, and it currently governs Delhi.
Lt Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, is a government official who acts as the representative of the President of India in a Union Territory. In Delhi, the Lt Governor has special powers and responsibilities.
Vinai Kumar Saxena is the current Lieutenant Governor of Delhi. He is responsible for overseeing the administration of the Union Territory of Delhi.
Guest teachers are educators who are hired on a temporary basis to fill in for regular teachers. They often do not have the same job security or benefits as permanent teachers.
DSSSB stands for Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. It conducts exams to recruit staff for various posts in the departments of the Government of Delhi.
Overaged refers to candidates who become too old to be eligible for certain jobs or exams due to delays in the recruitment process. This can prevent them from applying for positions they are qualified for.
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