In Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, the skies were lit up with fireworks during the Deepotsav celebrations, attended by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, and Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak. This year's festival is special as it follows the 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony of Shri Ram Lalla at Ayodhya's temple.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received certificates for two new Guinness World Records: the most people performing simultaneous 'diya' rotation and the largest display of oil lamps, with 25,12,585 diyas. The event was organized by the Department of Tourism and the Ayodhya District Administration.
A laser and light show at Saryu Ghat, along with diyas and colorful lights, enhanced the riverbank's beauty. The event featured a captivating Ram Leela narration through sound and light. Thousands gathered to witness 25 lakh diyas symbolizing the victory of light over darkness.
The Deepotsav also included 18 vibrant tableaux depicting Lord Ram's life, crafted by the state's Information and Tourism Departments. This five-day festival commemorates Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile, showcasing Ayodhya's cultural and spiritual heritage.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi called this Diwali "special," as it is the first celebrated with Lord Ram in his newly built temple at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi. Diwali, known as the Festival of Lights, symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Families celebrate with rangoli, diyas, prayers, sweets, and fireworks, fostering unity and hope.
Ayodhya is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is considered a very holy place for Hindus because it is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Ram, a major deity in Hinduism.
Deepotsav is a festival of lights celebrated in Ayodhya. It is similar to Diwali, where people light lamps and celebrate the victory of good over evil.
Yogi Adityanath is the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, a state in India. He is a political leader and a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
PM Modi refers to Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. He is the head of the government and a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Pran Pratishtha is a Hindu ritual where a deity's idol is consecrated or given life in a temple. It is an important ceremony that makes the temple a sacred place for worship.
Shri Ram Lalla is a form of Lord Ram as a child. In Ayodhya, there is a temple dedicated to him, and he is worshipped by many devotees.
Guinness World Records is a book that records amazing and unique achievements from around the world. It includes records for things like the tallest person, fastest runner, and in this case, the largest oil lamp display.
A diya is a small oil lamp made of clay, used in India during festivals like Diwali. It is lit to symbolize the victory of light over darkness.
Ram Leela is a traditional play that tells the story of Lord Ram's life. It is performed during festivals and is a way to celebrate and remember his deeds and teachings.
Tableaux are artistic displays or scenes that depict stories or events. In the context of Deepotsav, they show different parts of Lord Ram's life.
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