Hyderabad, Telangana, India - The bail hearing for Allu Arjun, the actor from 'Pushpa 2', is set for Friday at Hyderabad's Nampally court. This follows a tragic incident on December 4 at Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule'. A large crowd gathered to see Allu Arjun, leading to chaos when he waved from his car's sunroof. Sadly, a woman named Revathi died, and her child was injured.
Allu Arjun was arrested but released on bail after posting a Rs 50,000 bond. The injured child, Sri Tej, began responding after 20 days. His father, Bhaskar, expressed gratitude for the support from Allu Arjun and the Telangana government.
On December 25, Allu Aravind, Allu Arjun's father and a film producer, announced a financial aid of Rs 2 crores for Sri Tej and his family. He stated, "We are happy to know the boy is recovering. To support his future, Rs 1 crore was given by Allu Arjun, Rs 50 lakhs by the producers, and Rs 50 lakhs by the director."
Allu Arjun is a popular Indian film actor known for his work in Telugu cinema. He is famous for his dancing skills and has a large fan following.
A bail hearing is a legal process where a judge decides if a person who has been arrested can be released from jail while they wait for their trial. The person might have to pay money as a guarantee that they will return for their trial.
A stampede is when a large crowd of people rushes in one direction, often causing injuries. The Sandhya Theatre stampede happened during a movie premiere, leading to tragic consequences.
Pushpa 2 is a sequel to a popular Telugu movie called 'Pushpa'. It stars Allu Arjun and is eagerly awaited by fans.
Nampally Court is a court located in Hyderabad, a city in the Indian state of Telangana. It handles various legal cases.
Allu Aravind is a well-known film producer in the Telugu film industry and the father of actor Allu Arjun. He is also involved in supporting his son during the legal case.
The Telangana Government is the governing body of the Indian state of Telangana. It is responsible for the administration and welfare of the people in the state.
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