In Bengaluru, Indian para-athlete Ajeet Singh Yadav shared his joy after being confirmed as an Arjun Award recipient. Ajeet, along with Sundar Singh Gurjar, recently won silver and bronze medals in the men's javelin throw F46 event at Stade de France. Ajeet expressed, "I am very happy. I feel appreciated."
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports announced that double Olympic medalist Manu Bhaker, World Chess Champion Gukesh Dommaraju, and Indian men's hockey team captain Harmanpreet Singh, among others, received the Khel Ratna. Several athletes, including Jarmanpreet Singh and Salima Tete, were awarded the Arjuna Awards for their outstanding performances in 2024.
Para athletes like Preeti Pal, Jeevanji Deepthi, and Ajeet Singh were also recognized with Arjuna Awards. Olympic medalists Swapnil Suresh Kusale and Sarabjot Singh, along with Para-Olympic shooters Mona Agarwal and Rubina Francis, were honored. Former football coach Armando Agnelo Colaco received the Dronacharya Award in the lifetime category.
The awards will be presented by President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan on January 17, 2025.
Ajeet Singh Yadav is an Indian para-athlete who competes in javelin throw events. Para-athletes are athletes with physical disabilities who compete in sports.
The Arjun Award is a prestigious award given by the Indian government to recognize outstanding achievement in national sports. It is named after Arjuna, a hero from the Indian epic Mahabharata.
Javelin Throw F46 is a category in para-athletics for athletes with arm impairments. In this event, athletes throw a spear-like object called a javelin as far as possible.
Manu Bhaker is an Indian sport shooter who has won several medals in international competitions. She is known for her achievements in shooting sports.
Gukesh Dommaraju is an Indian chess player who is one of the youngest grandmasters in the world. A grandmaster is a very high title in chess, showing great skill and achievement.
The Khel Ratna is India's highest sporting honor, awarded for outstanding performance in sports. It is officially known as the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award.
Droupadi Murmu is the President of India, which is the highest constitutional position in the country. The President represents the nation and performs ceremonial duties.
Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of the President of India, located in New Delhi. It is a large and beautiful building where important events and ceremonies take place.
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