On Friday, Ajay Kumar Bhalla, a former Union Home Secretary, was officially sworn in as the 19th Governor of Manipur. The ceremony took place at the Raj Bhawan in Imphal and was attended by Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh, his council of ministers, and other high-ranking officials.
Chief Minister N Biren Singh expressed his confidence in Bhalla's capabilities, highlighting his experience and intelligence. Singh stated that Bhalla's appointment reflects the central government's commitment to addressing issues in Manipur. He extended his best wishes for Bhalla's tenure and expressed eagerness to work together for a peaceful and prosperous Manipur.
Ajay Bhalla, born on November 26, 1960, is a retired IAS officer from the Assam-Meghalaya cadre. He joined the civil services in 1984 and served as the Union Home Secretary from August 2019 to August 2024. During his tenure, he managed significant national challenges, including the abrogation of Article 370, the Citizenship Amendment Act protests, and the COVID-19 pandemic response.
The ceremony was attended by various dignitaries, including the Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly, MPs, MLAs, and senior officers. Bhalla's appointment comes amid ongoing tensions between the Meitei and Kuki communities in Manipur, following a rally by the All Tribal Students Union of Manipur in response to a court directive regarding Scheduled Tribe status for the Meitei community.
Ajay Kumar Bhalla is a person who has been given an important job as the Governor of Manipur. Before this, he worked as a Union Home Secretary, which means he helped manage important issues for the whole country.
A Governor is like the head of a state in India. They help make sure the state is running smoothly and follow the rules set by the central government.
Manipur is a state in the northeastern part of India. It is known for its beautiful landscapes and diverse cultures.
Imphal is the capital city of Manipur. It is where important events and ceremonies, like the swearing-in of the Governor, take place.
N Biren Singh is the Chief Minister of Manipur, which means he is the elected leader of the state government. He works with the Governor to help manage the state.
An IAS officer is a person who works in the Indian Administrative Service. They help run the government and make important decisions for the country.
The Union Home Secretary is a high-ranking official in India who helps manage the country's internal security and other important national issues.
The Meitei and Kuki are two different groups of people living in Manipur. Sometimes, there are tensions or disagreements between them, which the government tries to resolve.
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