In Pune, Maharashtra, Aba Bagul, a rebel candidate from the Parvati assembly constituency, has spoken out after being suspended from the Congress party for anti-party activities. Bagul questioned why senior leaders did not approach him before the November 4 deadline for withdrawing candidatures. He expressed disappointment over being promised a ticket for four years, only to be overlooked. Bagul accused senior leaders of trying to weaken the Congress party.
Currently hospitalized, Bagul plans to resume campaigning soon. The Parvati Assembly Constituency seat was given to coalition partner NCP SP, with Ashwini Kadam as the candidate. She has previously lost three times to BJP's Madhuri Misal.
The opposition MVA coalition, including Congress, Shiv Sena (UBT), and the Nationalist Congress Party (SCP), aims to regain power in Maharashtra, challenging the Mahayuti alliance, which consists of Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena, BJP, and Ajit Pawar-led NCP. A notable contest is in Baramati, where NCP leader Ajit Pawar will face his nephew, Yugendra Pawar.
The Maharashtra Assembly elections are scheduled for November 20, with vote counting on November 23. In the 2019 elections, BJP won 105 seats, Shiv Sena 56, and Congress 44.
Aba Bagul is a politician from Pune, which is a city in the Indian state of Maharashtra. He was a candidate for the Parvati assembly constituency.
Congress is one of the major political parties in India. Leadership refers to the people who are in charge of making decisions for the party.
Suspension in this context means that Aba Bagul was temporarily removed from his position or role in the Congress party because of certain actions he took that were against the party's interests.
A rebel candidate is someone who runs for election against the wishes or decisions of their political party. They often do this because they disagree with the party's choices.
Anti-party activities are actions taken by a member of a political party that go against the party's rules or interests. This can include speaking out against the party or supporting another party.
An assembly constituency is a specific area that elects a representative to the legislative assembly. Parvati is one such area in Pune, Maharashtra.
These are elections held to choose representatives for the legislative assembly of the state of Maharashtra, which is a part of India.
MVA stands for Maha Vikas Aghadi, which is a coalition of political parties in Maharashtra. It includes parties like the Shiv Sena, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), and Congress.
Mahayuti is an alliance of political parties in Maharashtra, often led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). It is the ruling alliance that the MVA coalition is challenging.
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