As the 2025 Delhi assembly elections approach, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Saurabh Bharadwaj has criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for not fulfilling their housing promises. Bharadwaj pointed out that the BJP had promised permanent housing for everyone by 2022, but the deadline has passed without significant progress. He highlighted that instead of providing 2.5 crore houses by 2020, only 1,675 flats are being given in 2025, which he described as humiliating for the poor.
Bharadwaj also accused the central government's Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and Railways of displacing many poor people from slums, forcing them to sleep under flyovers. He demanded action against the officials responsible for these displacements.
Additionally, Bharadwaj commented on Prime Minister Narendra Modi laying the foundation stone for a new college named after VD Savarkar, questioning the time it will take to complete the project.
In response, PM Modi criticized AAP, accusing them of damaging school education in Delhi over the past decade and not utilizing funds provided by the central government for education. He also attacked AAP's national convener, Arvind Kejriwal, suggesting that AAP has been a disaster for Delhi.
AAP stands for Aam Aadmi Party, which is a political party in India. It was founded in 2012 and is known for its focus on anti-corruption and good governance.
Saurabh Bharadwaj is a politician from the Aam Aadmi Party. He is known for his work in Delhi and has been involved in various issues related to the city's development.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the two major political parties in India. It is currently the ruling party at the central government level.
Housing promises refer to commitments made by the government to provide a certain number of houses to people, especially the poor, to improve their living conditions.
Displacement issues occur when people are forced to leave their homes, often due to government projects or development plans, without proper arrangements for their relocation.
VD Savarkar was an Indian independence activist and a prominent figure in the Hindu nationalist movement. He is a controversial figure due to his views and actions during the freedom struggle.
PM Modi refers to Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and has been in office since 2014.
Arvind Kejriwal is the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party and the current Chief Minister of Delhi. He is known for his focus on anti-corruption and improving public services in Delhi.
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