World Uyghur Congress Condemns China’s Smear Campaign Against Its Leaders

World Uyghur Congress Condemns China’s Smear Campaign Against Its Leaders

World Uyghur Congress Condemns China’s Smear Campaign Against Its Leaders

The World Uyghur Congress (WUC), a Uyghur rights organization, has strongly condemned China’s campaign of threats, disinformation, and smear tactics against its leadership. The WUC and its leaders have been subjected to a deliberate campaign of false information and character attacks, carried out by anonymous sources through personalized videos and posts.

Statement from WUC

The WUC firmly denounces these smear tactics and the persistent threats directed at its leadership and staff. They stated it is deeply troubling that this campaign includes attempts to intimidate and tarnish the personal reputations of the WUC’s leadership and its staff.

Targeted Individuals

The smear campaigns have particularly targeted staff members and leadership, including WUC’s interim president, Dr. Erkin Ekrem, Vice President Perhat Muhammed, and staff members Erkin Zunun, Ekber Tursun, Iptihar Abdureshit, and Zumretay Arkin. These attacks have used their private lives to spread disinformation, damage their credibility and reputation within the community and beyond, and put them at risk of attack. A suspicious package was also sent to the private residence of a staff member.

Dubious Requests and Threats

The rights group further highlighted that their members have repeatedly received dubious requests to provide private information about Mr. Dolkun Isa in exchange for financial compensation. Several anonymous individuals, purporting to represent the WUC, have been sending threatening messages to scholars who have signed a joint letter against harassment. The WUC firmly rejects any threats made against individuals, especially for expressing their opinions, and calls for a cautious response when anyone purports to speak on behalf of the WUC outside of official channels.

Ongoing Efforts

The WUC stated that the Chinese government has long sought to silence Uyghur human rights activists and critics by fabricating lies and conducting smear campaigns, adding that such attacks can be dangerous and undermine an entire movement. The WUC will continue to monitor these incidents and strive to maintain a secure working environment for everyone. It also called on all parties to avoid attacking or harassing its employees, members, and other involved individuals. The WUC remains steadfast in its mission and dedication to the human rights of the Uyghur people and will not be discouraged from its efforts.

Doubts Revealed

World Uyghur Congress -: The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) is an international organization that represents the Uyghur people, a minority ethnic group in China. They work to protect the human rights of Uyghurs and raise awareness about their issues.

smear campaign -: A smear campaign is when false information and lies are spread about someone to damage their reputation. It’s like when someone tells lies about you to make others think badly of you.

disinformation -: Disinformation is false information spread on purpose to mislead people. It’s like telling a lie to trick others into believing something that isn’t true.

interim president -: An interim president is a temporary leader who takes charge until a permanent president is chosen. It’s like a substitute teacher who takes over the class until the regular teacher returns.

advocate -: To advocate means to support or speak up for a cause or a group of people. It’s like when you stand up for your friend if they are being treated unfairly.

Uyghur -: Uyghurs are a minority ethnic group mainly living in the Xinjiang region of China. They have their own unique culture, language, and traditions.

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