Uttarakhand Home Secretary Shailesh Bagoli Plans to Solve Traffic Congestion in Dehradun

Uttarakhand Home Secretary Shailesh Bagoli Plans to Solve Traffic Congestion in Dehradun

Uttarakhand Home Secretary Shailesh Bagoli Plans to Solve Traffic Congestion in Dehradun

On Monday, Uttarakhand Home Secretary Shailesh Bagoli held a meeting with the police, transport departments, and other related agencies to discuss traffic congestion in the state, especially in Dehradun and other big cities.

Key Directives

The Home Secretary directed officials to prepare short-term and long-term plans to solve the traffic congestion. He emphasized the use of modern techniques and studying the work done by other institutions to improve the traffic system.

Specific Measures

  • Identify new parking lots in high-traffic areas.
  • Construct and pave new roads.
  • Increase enforcement to ensure commercial institutions use their parking lots.
  • Set up mobile vending zones for street vendors.
  • Streamline the red light violation detection system and increase automated red light signals at intersections.

He also stressed the importance of coordinating with the Integrated Command and Control Centre of Smart City to resolve traffic problems.

Doubts Revealed

Uttarakhand -: Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and pilgrimage sites.

Home Secretary -: A Home Secretary is a senior official in the government who is responsible for internal security and administration in a state.

Shailesh Bagoli -: Shailesh Bagoli is the name of the person who is currently the Home Secretary of Uttarakhand.

Traffic Congestion -: Traffic congestion means there are too many vehicles on the road, causing slow movement and traffic jams.

Dehradun -: Dehradun is the capital city of Uttarakhand, known for its scenic beauty and educational institutions.

Transport Departments -: Transport departments are government agencies responsible for managing transportation systems, like roads and public transport.

Modern Techniques -: Modern techniques refer to new and advanced methods or technologies used to solve problems more efficiently.

Parking Lots -: Parking lots are designated areas where people can park their vehicles.

Mobile Vending Zones -: Mobile vending zones are specific areas where street vendors can sell their goods without causing traffic problems.

Red Light Violation Detection System -: This is a system that uses cameras and sensors to catch vehicles that run red lights at traffic signals.

Integrated Command and Control Centre -: This is a central place where data from various sources is collected and analyzed to manage city services, like traffic and security, more effectively.

Smart City -: A Smart City uses technology to improve the quality of life for its residents, making services like transportation, water supply, and waste management more efficient.

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