On September 30, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in a rally in Muana, Haryana, to support BJP candidate Ram Kumar Gautam. Dhami emphasized the significant progress Haryana has made under BJP rule, including the construction of new highways, the establishment of medical colleges, and job creation for the youth.
Dhami stated, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi has designated Gautam in the service of the people. Under BJP's ten-year rule at the Centre, the picture of the country and Haryana has changed for good. Along with the country, Haryana has also progressed in the field of development."
He highlighted several achievements:
Dhami also criticized the Congress party, accusing them of corruption and nepotism. He assured that the BJP has brought transparency by ending corrupt practices.
Chief Minister Nayab Saini dismissed reports of infighting within the BJP and expressed confidence in winning the upcoming elections. Haryana's legislative assembly elections are scheduled for October 5, with results to be announced on October 8.
Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and pilgrimage sites.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state.
Pushkar Singh Dhami is the current Chief Minister of Uttarakhand.
Haryana is a state in northern India, known for its agriculture and industries.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, a major political party in India.
Elections are a process where people vote to choose their leaders.
A rally is a large public meeting where people gather to support a cause or a candidate.
Congress is another major political party in India, also known as the Indian National Congress.
Corruption means dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people.
Transparency means being open and honest, so everyone can see what is happening.
A legislative assembly is a group of people elected to make laws for a state.
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