On October 31, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami celebrated Diwali with the soldiers of the Garhwal Rifles and their families in Lansdowne, Pauri. He expressed gratitude for their dedication and bravery, saluting their sacrifices. During the event at Lansdowne Cantonment, he paid tribute to fallen soldiers at the War Memorial.
CM Dhami, himself a soldier's son, shared that celebrating Diwali with the soldiers was an unforgettable experience. He praised the soldiers' courage and assured them of the government's commitment to their welfare. He acknowledged the soldiers' duty of staying away from their families to protect the nation, emphasizing the pride he felt being among them.
Addressing the soldiers and their families, CM Dhami highlighted the importance of their role in ensuring the country's safety. He announced an increase in the compensation for families of deceased soldiers from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 50 lakh. He also noted India's progress in becoming self-reliant in military equipment production under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership.
CM Dhami met with Governor Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd.) at Raj Bhavan to extend Diwali greetings. Brig. Vinod Singh Negi expressed gratitude for the state's welfare schemes for soldiers, appreciating the increased compensation for families of fallen soldiers.
Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, known for its beautiful mountains and being close to the Himalayas.
CM Dhami refers to Pushkar Singh Dhami, who is the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, a leader responsible for the administration of the state.
Diwali is a popular festival in India, also known as the Festival of Lights, where people celebrate by lighting lamps, bursting crackers, and sharing sweets.
The Garhwal Rifles is a regiment of the Indian Army, known for its brave soldiers who protect the country.
Lansdowne is a small hill station in Uttarakhand, known for its scenic beauty and as a base for the Garhwal Rifles.
Compensation here refers to the money given to the families of soldiers who have died while serving the country, as a way to support them.
Military self-reliance means that a country is able to produce its own weapons and defense equipment, reducing dependence on other countries.
Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd.) is the Governor of Uttarakhand, a retired army officer who now serves as the representative of the President of India in the state.
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