US Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Balochistan, Pakistan

US Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Balochistan, Pakistan

US Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Balochistan, Pakistan

The United States has condemned the recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, which resulted in significant loss of life. The US State Department’s Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs shared a post expressing their condolences and support for Pakistan in its fight against terrorism.

Over 70 people were killed in multiple attacks, including 14 soldiers and police. In one major attack in Bela, Lasbela district, 21 terrorists were killed. Another attack in Musakhel district resulted in the deaths of at least 23 civilians. Additionally, 35 vehicles were set on fire. In Kalat, 10 people, including five police officers, were killed in an attack on a police post and a highway.

Rail traffic with Quetta was suspended following blasts on a rail bridge in Bolan, affecting connections to the rest of Pakistan and Iran. Six unidentified bodies were found near the attack site.

Balochistan has experienced a long-standing rebellion with several armed groups. Rights groups have criticized Pakistan’s response, citing enforced disappearances and state repression. The Balochistan Liberation Army had warned people to avoid highways before the attacks.

Doubts Revealed

US -: The US stands for the United States of America, a country in North America.

Condemns -: Condemns means to strongly disapprove or criticize something.

Terrorist Attacks -: Terrorist attacks are violent acts meant to scare people and cause harm, often for political reasons.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a province in Pakistan, which is a country in South Asia.

Condolences -: Condolences are expressions of sympathy, especially when someone has died.

Terrorism -: Terrorism is the use of violence to create fear and achieve a goal, often political.

Balochistan Liberation Army -: The Balochistan Liberation Army is a group that wants independence for Balochistan and sometimes uses violence to try to achieve this.

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