In Jammu, Union Minister Jitendra Singh shared his views on the abrogation of Article 370, stating that Muslims in Srinagar, though not openly expressing it, are inwardly pleased with the change. He emphasized the importance of Kashmiri Pandits in the region, celebrating their contributions to education, science, and culture during the Deepavali festival.
Singh remarked that the common people in Srinagar, including Muslims, feel relieved with the abrogation of Article 370, as it opens new opportunities for economic growth and startups in India. He highlighted the sacrifices made by three generations for the so-called Azadi and the new prospects emerging in the region.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also addressed the issue, stating that the people of Jammu and Kashmir have rejected separatism and terrorism, supporting India's Constitution and democracy. During the National Unity Day parade in Kevadia, Gujarat, PM Modi praised the people for ending a 70-year-old propaganda and emphasized that terrorist leaders now understand that targeting India is futile.
A Union Minister is a person who is part of the central government of India and is responsible for specific areas like education, health, or defense. Jitendra Singh is one such minister.
Article 370 was a special law in the Indian Constitution that gave special status to the region of Jammu and Kashmir. It was removed in 2019, which means Jammu and Kashmir now follow the same laws as the rest of India.
Kashmiri Pandits are a group of people who originally lived in the Kashmir Valley. They are known for their rich culture and history but many had to leave their homes due to conflict in the region.
Abrogation means the official ending or cancellation of a law or agreement. In this context, it refers to the removal of Article 370.
Deepavali, also known as Diwali, is a popular festival in India celebrated with lights, sweets, and fireworks. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness.
Separatism is the idea of wanting to separate from a larger group or country to form a new independent country. In Jammu and Kashmir, some people wanted to separate from India.
Terrorism involves using violence and fear to achieve political goals. It is a serious issue in many parts of the world, including Jammu and Kashmir.
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