The Ukrainian Embassy in India marked the occasion of Unity Day by forming a symbolic "Chain of Unity" with the Ukrainian community. This event took place on January 22, commemorating the historic "Chain of Unity" formed on January 21, 1990, when millions of Ukrainians joined hands from Kyiv to Lviv.
The Embassy emphasized that unity has always been a cornerstone of Ukrainian statehood. The gesture reflects the unbreakable resolve of the Ukrainian people, especially as they defend their country from Russian aggression. The Embassy honored the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for freedom and unity, urging the global Ukrainian community to remain united.
Ukraine celebrates Unity Day amidst ongoing conflict with Russia, highlighting unity as its greatest strength. The day marks the 106th anniversary of the Act of Unification, when the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic united, laying the foundation for a united Ukrainian state. The Unification Act, signed at St. Sophia Square in Kyiv, symbolized Ukraine's aspiration for unity and independence.
The Embassy called on Ukrainians worldwide to work together to restore peace and justice, ensuring Ukraine's voice resonates globally.
An embassy is like a special office in another country where representatives of a country work. The Ukraine Embassy in India is where people from Ukraine work to help Ukrainians in India and to maintain good relations between Ukraine and India.
Unity Day is a special day celebrated to remember and promote the idea of people coming together as one. For Ukraine, it marks the day when different parts of the country came together to form a united nation.
The 'Chain of Unity' is a symbolic event where people hold hands to form a long chain. It represents people coming together in unity and was first done in Ukraine in 1990 to show solidarity and togetherness.
Kyiv and Lviv are two important cities in Ukraine. Kyiv is the capital city, and Lviv is a historic city in the western part of the country. The 'Chain of Unity' in 1990 stretched from Kyiv to Lviv, showing unity across the country.
The Act of Unification was a historic event in 1919 when different regions of Ukraine came together to form a single, united country. It is celebrated as a symbol of Ukraine's desire for unity and independence.
Ukraine has been in a conflict with Russia, which means there have been disagreements and fighting between the two countries. This conflict has been ongoing for several years and affects the lives of many people in Ukraine.
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